Item Database

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Item ID: #267
Item Type: Normal Item
Eon Value: 6
Material Crafters

#52 Creative Caroline
Aeven Sew Station Mini Rock: 2
Potion of Sparkles: 4
Eon: 30

#52 Creative Caroline
Aeven Sew Station Mini Rock: 2
Potion of Sparkles: 4
Eon: 30
Map Foraging
MapMax AmountType
#12 Aeven Falls 2 Collect
#14 Aeven Mine Entrance 2 Collect
#15 Aeven 2 Collect
#17 Aeven Castle Garden 2 Collect
#18 Aeven West 2 Collect
#57 Aeven Stronghold 2 Collect
#70 Green Lake 2 Collect
#218 Centaur Grove Port 2 Collect
#220 Centaur Town 2 Collect
#270 Nostalgia Port 2 Collect
#272 Nostalgia Hub 2 Collect
#273 Nostalgia Traverse 2 Collect